среда, 19 декабря 2012 г.


Live-builder-ps2dev is a LiveCD appliance for Playstation2 developers.

How-to use

Easy! You create a new virtual machine in your System (hardware) virtual machine software of choice (AKA Hypervisor, e.g. VirtualBox) and add the LiveCD image as the boot CD to it. Start it and use it right away!
A step-by-step quick guide is here.


Get live-builder-ps2dev-latest-x86_64.iso file here.

What is it really?

It is the ALTLinux live system built with mkimage-profiles (the page is in Russian, here is the machine-translated text) with the following software preinstalled:
  • Base ALTLinux Sisyphus system with GCC, make and GIT.
  • ps2toolchain

Open-source software

This software is completely open-source with free/open licenses applied to corresponding parts (most is GPL).
"Build from source" instructions are here.

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