суббота, 12 сентября 2020 г.

RE-ing BLE fitness smart watch protocol made easy. Part 2. Kaitai


Parts: 1, 2.

I'm not going to advertise the Kaitai set of instruments. Just want to note that it may be very useful in simple RE cases.

E.g. you already have the BT network dump in PCAP format. And can open the Kaitai Web IDE, open you dump there and see it parsed to a certain detalisation level.

But for a real KSY development we need to deploy our local copy of the IDE.

Surely the "true" and simplest way is to follow the official HOWTO.

Mine (ALTLinux chroot) is a little longer:

$ hsh-no-update --initroot-only
$ cat /etc/resolv.conf | hsh-run --rooter tee /etc/resolv.conf
$ hsh-install less bash-completion rpm-utils idlewrap p7zip npm node
$ cp -a kaitai_struct_webide ~/.hasher/hasher/chroot/tmp
$ rm -f ~/.hasher/hasher/chroot/tmp/kaitai_struct_webide/{.git,LICENSE-3RD-PARTY.txt,doc/wiki/*}
$ chroot 777 ~/.hasher/hasher/chroot/tmp/kaitai_struct_webide/{.,lib,doc/wiki}
$  share_network=1 hsh-shell --mountpoints=/proc
[builder@localhost .in]$ cd /tmp/kaitai_struct_webide/
[builder@localhost kaitai_struct_webide]$ npm install
[builder@localhost kaitai_struct_webide]$ node serve.js --compile
Check the local IDE, open URL.

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